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Services - Estate Planning

Estate Planning

While the idea of estate planning can sound daunting, it can save you and/or your family from undue stress and confusion in the future.

For many, the phrase “Estate Planning” sounds as though it is something only the ultra-wealthy need to do. In truth, every family, no matter their net-worth, could benefit from estate planning.

ETSG’s goal is to follow your wishes with your estate and keep your family thriving. Picture Thanksgiving dinner 10 years after you have passed away. We want that dinner table to be full of love and happiness. With a detailed plan in place, your assets will be passed on the way you want them to which will reduce family stress and confusion in the future.

None of us really like to think about our own mortality or the possibility of being unable to make decisions for ourselves. This is exactly why so many families are caught off guard and unprepared when incapacity or death does strike. Knowing you have a properly prepared plan in place – one that contains your instructions and will protect your family – will give you and your family peace of mind. This is one of the most thoughtful and considerate things you can do for yourself and for those you love.

Services - Estate Planning

Estate Planning

While the idea of estate planning can sound daunting, it can save you and/or your family from undue stress and confusion in the future.

For many, the phrase “Estate Planning” sounds as though it is something only the ultra-wealthy need to do. In truth, every family, no matter their net-worth, could benefit from estate planning.

ETSG’s goal is to follow your wishes with your estate and keep your family thriving. Picture Thanksgiving dinner 10 years after you have passed away. We want that dinner table to be full of love and happiness. With a detailed plan in place, your assets will be passed on the way you want them to which will reduce family stress and confusion in the future.

None of us really like to think about our own mortality or the possibility of being unable to make decisions for ourselves. This is exactly why so many families are caught off guard and unprepared when incapacity or death does strike. Knowing you have a properly prepared plan in place – one that contains your instructions and will protect your family – will give you and your family peace of mind. This is one of the most thoughtful and considerate things you can do for yourself and for those you love.

Services - Life Insurance

Life Insurance

At the forefront of life insurance there is always a death benefit. Whether it is used to protect your family, provide supplemental retirement income, or as an estate planning tool, that death benefit can be used in conjunction with your financial plan to meet your goals.

ETSG is a full service life insurance general agency. We represent more than 20 life carriers, which allows us to thoroughly shop the market for both product and also underwriting. Each carrier has specific strengths which is why there are so many reliable insurance companies. By shopping the market, you ensure that you have the most competitive policy available.

Whether you are in the market for a new policy, or would like a review of an existing policy, we will provide simple options so you can make an educated decision that fits your financial plan.

Services - Life Insurance

Life Insurance

At the forefront of life insurance there is always a death benefit. Whether it is used to protect your family, provide supplemental retirement income, or as an estate planning tool, that death benefit can be used in conjunction with your financial plan to meet your goals.

ETSG is a full service life insurance general agency. We represent more than 20 life carriers, which allows us to thoroughly shop the market for both product and also underwriting. Each carrier has specific strengths which is why there are so many reliable insurance companies. By shopping the market, you ensure that you have the most competitive policy available.

Whether you are in the market for a new policy, or would like a review of an existing policy, we will provide simple options so you can make an educated decision that fits your financial plan.

Services - Retirement Planning

Retirement Planning

Life insurance, as you know, provides valuable death benefit protection. What many people may not realize is that life insurance can provide additional value when used as a supplemental retirement tool to reduce your taxes in retirement.

A properly designed life insurance policy can provide a tax-free income source in retirement, along with a tax-free death benefit. For high income individuals who have maximized funding of existing qualified/non-qualified plans, a policy can reduce current portfolio taxes and reduce overall taxable income in retirement. A properly designed policy should be minimizing the death benefit cost to keep the fees to a minimum and focus on the growth of the account value.

Services - Retirement Planning

Retirement Planning

Life insurance, as you know, provides valuable death benefit protection. What many people may not realize is that life insurance can provide additional value when used as a supplemental retirement tool to reduce your taxes in retirement.

A properly designed life insurance policy can provide a tax-free income source in retirement, along with a tax-free death benefit. For high income individuals who have maximized funding of existing qualified/non-qualified plans, a policy can reduce current portfolio taxes and reduce overall taxable income in retirement. A properly designed policy should be minimizing the death benefit cost to keep the fees to a minimum and focus on the growth of the account value.

Services - Charitable Planning

Charitable Planning

By utilizing life insurance, it is possible to offer a meaningful gift to charity, while still transferring most of your wealth to your loved ones.

Many people donate time and money each year to their favorite charities.

Those key charities count on this contribution each year. If something were to happen to you do you have a plan in place to continue giving? Life insurance, in conjunction with a private foundation or donor advised fund, can give you current tax deductions and put a plan in place so that those gifts continue well after you are gone. This is a great way to leave a legacy to your favorite charity or let your family decide where the money will go each year.

For clients subject to estate taxes, a plan that benefits charity can help reduce your overall estate tax. These clients can use life insurance to offset the charitable gifts so their goals to leave the highest value to their heir or charity are met along with reducing estate taxes.

Watch this short video on how to get to zero estate taxes along with helping charity to provide your family with a simple, but well thought-out, plan.

Services - Charitable Planning

Charitable Planning

By utilizing life insurance, it is possible to offer a meaningful gift to charity, while still transferring most of your wealth to your loved ones.

Many people donate time and money each year to their favorite charities.

Those key charities count on this contribution each year. If something were to happen to you do you have a plan in place to continue giving? Life insurance, in conjunction with a private foundation or donor advised fund, can give you current tax deductions and put a plan in place so that those gifts continue well after you are gone. This is a great way to leave a legacy to your favorite charity or let your family decide where the money will go each year.

For clients subject to estate taxes, a plan that benefits charity can help reduce your overall estate tax. These clients can use life insurance to offset the charitable gifts so their goals to leave the highest value to their heir or charity are met along with reducing estate taxes.

Watch this short video on how to get to zero estate taxes along with helping charity to provide your family with a simple, but well thought-out, plan.

Services - Business Planning

Business Continuation Planning

ETSG specializes in business planning to transition the business at retirement and protect it from one of the biggest risks, losing a key employee.

Whether your business is going to be passed along to the next generation, or be sold to the highest bidder, a proper business plan takes time and planning. You might have spent your whole career building the business but, without a proper plan, you might pay higher taxes or sell for less than you thought.

We can also analyze the risks and reduce them with a buy/sell agreement and key man insurance. Additionally, this can be used to reward, retain, and recruit your executives.

Services - Business Planning

Business Continuation Planning

ETSG specializes in business planning to transition the business at retirement and protect it from one of the biggest risks, losing a key employee.

Whether your business is going to be passed along to the next generation, or be sold to the highest bidder, a proper business plan takes time and planning. You might have spent your whole career building the business but, without a proper plan, you might pay higher taxes or sell for less than you thought.

We can also analyze the risks and reduce them with a buy/sell agreement and key man insurance. Additionally, this can be used to reward, retain, and recruit your executives.


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